Camross NS in order to further continue the development of all our pupils socially, emotionally, and independently we operate a Drop and GO system in the mornings.
We ask that all children from the 1st to 6th class enter the school independently through their designated entrances and proceed to their classes independently. Once your child has been dropped, please move off, to allow for the safe flow of traffic. By doing this you are assisting in your child’s development and growing independence, while also keeping the car park safe.
For parents of Junior and Senior Infants, your child will be met at the top of the infant yard and shown to their classroom. Please encourage your child to carry his/her own bag, hang up his/her own coat and enter the classroom independently when they go into the school building. This is great for your child’s development and independence.
It is very important that all parents adhere to this system
Camross National School is situated at the foot of the Slieve Bloom Mountains in the picturesque village of Camross in County Laois.
Camross is an idyllic village in rural Ireland and the school is at the hub of the community.
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